Random thoughts may or may not get me into trouble

My personal thoughts about recent events or things that just came to mind

Yesterday, on the 21st February 2024, Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks had a hearing about his extortion to the USA.
On the 16th February 2024 Alexei Navalny died in a Russian prison.
What do they have in common? Pretty much everything. Both are state critical Journalists, Assange leaked multiple classified documents exposing war crimes and other state sponsored atrocities. Navalny was a critic of the Russian government. Both are/were held in a high security prison. The difference? On the death of Navalny, multiple western countries demanded for Russia to investigate or let other countries investigate the reason for his death (let's be real, poisoning).

Meanwhile, as Assange is unable to present infront of court due to health issues that are caused by being held in solitary confinment for 14 years, multiple western countries, the same ones who demand information about the death of Navalny, want Assange to be handed out to the US, where he may face a life long prison sentence due to "espionage". The media stays silent about this and barely anyone knows who Assange even is.

Now, what if Assange where to die? Would any country ask for his reason of death to be investigated? Would any politician come out to the public to mourn his death? Of course Not! It is always about the enemy doing the bad thing, but when they get exposed themselves they will gaslight the public into forgetting about it or believing that whoever died was a threat to society and the worst person to exist.


This one's kinda meh after re-reading it lmao

A popular way for the Burger Cheese to guilt trip the proletariat is by making us aware of the privilige we have to live in rich countries, opposed to the countless of people living under hunger in so called "third world countries", countries commonly located in africa, which are very poor and live in constant demise. The goal of these guilt trips is to make us donate to help organizations which in turn use the donated money to help the less fortunate in these countries. And while it is always right to help them (if you have the money to spare), it is important to keep in mind that the concept of a poor country is not real.

The countries we deem as poor are rich. Any country one can think of, Libya, Sudan, Cuba, Chad, the list is seemingly endless. However none of them are poor. It is always the people, or rather the proletariat, who are poor. Each of these Countries are rich, both in the aspect of resources and money. We only see the suffering children, not the rich 1% who are rich, control the money and are the ones causing suffering through child and slave labour, backed by the rich companies abusing the cheap labour and exploiting the land of the country.

As alwys, companies and imperialist countries invest huge efforts to hide their horrible actions, thorugh empty laws and fake, for-profit organizations. What we see are headlines of about a random burger cheese donating a seemingly huge sum which equates to merely 1% of theyr net worth, the majority of which being returned through tax benefits. How kind of them!

This all also plays into the hands of racists. The picture of the oh so kind white savior helping the poor african tribes to join a "civilized" society.

Instead of donating to some popular organization trying to guilt trip you with shocking images, research about non-government and non-profit organizations that help the right places, as contrary to popular belief, some african countries are actually developed quite well. Additionally if donating is not an option, spread the truth! Informing friends and family, who maybe do donate, to ensure the help goes to the ones who deserve and need it.

And most importantly, stay cautious with the news you see regarding third world countries, there's always going to be someone indirectly telling you how you are a bad person for having the privilege to live in a "rich" country.


English version (may be) coming soon

Dieser Text begann als einfacher Gedanke im Philosophieunterricht, artete jedoch sehr schnell den folgenden Text aus. Das heißt, dass dieser Text eher eine zusammenfassung eines Denkprozesses ist und nicht mit der intention geschrieben wurde, einen fließtext zu verfassen, weshalb Rechtschreibfehler und eine eher komische Schreibweise und "zufälliger" Themenwechsel vorkommen kann.

Menschen leben friedlich untereinander, wenn sie komplett frei sind, sie formen eigene Gesellschaften (z.B. Amerikanische Ureinwohner, Afrikanische Stämme).

Mit der festlegung von Besitz wird dieser Frieden zerstört (siehe: Rousseau). Beispiele in der Menschengeschichte, wie die Kolonialisierung Afrikas belegen dies. Afrikanische Stämme lebten größtenteils friedlich, bis durch Kolonialisierung eigene Grenzen gezogen wurden, wodurch Stämme zusammengeschlossen oder getrennt wurden, was zu Konflikten und letzenendlich Krieg, der den Kolonialmächten mehr Geld bringt, geführt hat und in der Zukunft auch weiterhin führen wird.

Noch schlimmer wird dies, wenn dadurch auch ganze Völker ausgerottet werden. Dies geschieht in Palästina, bevor der Israelische Staat ausgerufen wurde, und vor dem britischen Mandat, gab es vereinzelte jüdische Siedlungen, die recht friedlich mit den Palästinenser lebten. Nach der vermehrten auffassung des Zionismus der Siegermächte wurden jedoch gezielt Siedlungen errichtet, um Palästinenser aus ihren Land zu vertreiben, gerieht die Region in instabilität, wodurch Palästinenser, die mittlewreile im Gaza-Streifen und Jordan gefangen sind, konstant bombadiert werden.

Dadurch wird der Israelische Staat, also die Machtposition des Westens im nahen Osten, geschützt, und erlaubt es dem Westen militärische Streitkräfte direkt neben Feinden wie Iran zu stationieren.

All dies entsteht, weil Plutokraten einen unmenschlichen Wahn nach Reichtum, komplett unabhängig von Moralischen bekäntnissen, haben. Sie kolonialisieren Land welches ihnen nicht gehört und profitieren von den Konflikten die dadurch entstehen.


The research group corretiv published an article on the 10th January 2024 detailing a secret meeting with high ranking AfD members, Neonazis and rich entrepreneurs. This meeting allegedly discussed a plan to get rid of any non-Germans residing in Germany, including those with a German citizenship.

This (rightfully so) sparked mass outrage in Germany, sparking a lot of anti-AfD protests with up to 25,000 people joining some of the protests, all across Germany. While I fully support these protests and am happy to see that Germany is becoming more aware of the fascists that run the AfD, I am very disappointed in the way these protests are done. These protests, most of the time, only consist of people going on the streets and holding up anti AfD/Nazi/Fascism posters. This is not enough, even with recent discussion to completely ban the AfD, the people who vote AfD will not change their fascist ideas through a simple ban. What we need are more direct antifascist actions against the AfD and any other right wing groups. History has shown that without direct action against fascists, fascism will not be beat.

What should be done is to make Nazis scared of being Nazis, make them have the same fear they try to give minorities. Do not allow them to leave their homes without the fear of being insulted or attacked. If Nazis are living fearlessly in Germany to the point where they have meetings to plan the expulsion of non-Germans. We have done something wrong as a society and should make sure they live in a constant state of fear again before they get to power.


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