this really ports my folio

A list of Free Software (free as in freedom) I have developed, or am part of. Not all of the listed projects are still under active development.

Block Based filesystem verification for immutable Linux Distributions written in golang

Custom made vector graphic format for use with FsVerify, the parser (fbwarn) is written in C using raylib

Haskell Logo with Aroace colors drawn in BVG

Building docker images using yaml recipes, written in golang

Personally built plugin support into vib, including an API and github CI to automate building plugins (view pr)

Tool to manage Vanilla OS installations

Personally built in Waydroid integration, including a package manager using f-droid repositories (view MRs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

File tree based Filesystem integrity verification, fully written in go and used by Vanilla OS through fswarn

Installer backend for Crystal Linux, written in rust (older history on github)

Graphical frontend for Jade, written in python using gtk4 and libadwaita (older history on github)

OCI client written in Java similiar to podman/docker with a focus on using containers as a form of isolated environments, similiar to Distrobox and Toolbx

Miscellaneous Flatpak Packages for some software I use

A proof-of-concept that packages a build of the Linux kernel as a flatpak, while still being able to be used by the system

March 12, 2024 Go To Main Page Linux 6.6.21