CrystalLinux(1) General Commands Manual CrystalLinux(1)

Crystal Linux [crystal] arch based easy to use linux distro

Crystal Linux is an arch based linux distro with it's own installer and package manager

Crystal Linux tries to bring modern linux technologies to the average users while still being easy to use

Crystal Linux uses a pacman wrapper called ame to install, remove, updated and search packages, however users are still able to use pacman directly.

ame is written in rust and is particularly fast with aur packages since it builds multiple aur packages at once.

Crystal Linux also comes preinstalled with flatpak.

Crystal Linux installs like any other Distribution, you boot the live iso and launch the Installer.

The installer, Jade GUI is a custom written installer that uses libadwaita and gtk4 for the frontend, and the jade as the backend.

Once the user boots into crystal for the first time, they are greeted with a first setup application that allows them to set up Flatpak, install nvidia drivers and change the color scheme.

Crystal Linux by defaul tuses Onyx, a custom gnome session with extra extensions to make the experience more familiar with other desktops or operating systems.

If the User does not want to use Onyx, they can simly select a different Desktop or Window Manager in Jade GUI. These Desktops and Window Managers include vanilla GNOME, KDE, i3 and sway.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Nixpkgs